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Case Challenge 51 - Thumbnail

Incidental Radiopaque Lesions of the Jaws


Jassem M. Saleh, DMD; Kurt F. Summersgill, DDS, PhD


The following Case Challenge is provided in conjunction with the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.

A 70-year-old African American female presented with pain in the left posterior mandible. Asymptomatic, incidental radiopacities were seen in the patient’s maxilla and mandible on a panoramic radiograph.

After you have finished reviewing the available diagnostic information, make the diagnosis.

Case Author(s)

Dr. Saleh is chief resident in oral and maxillofacial pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and Department of Diagnostic Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Note: Bio informat...

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