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ce569 Intro Image

Advanced Instrumentation for the General Practice Dental Hygienist


Vickie Parrish Foster, RDH, BS, MEd

Credit Hours:

2 Hour(s)


This course serves to broaden the horizons of the general practice dental hygienist in utilizing advanced instrumentation and /or instruments that are not typically in the general practice set up for initial or periodontal recall patient tr...

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This course serves to broaden the horizons of the general practice dental hygienist in utilizing advanced instrumentation and /or instruments that are not typically in the general practice set up for initial or periodontal recall patient treatment. In addition, alternative fulcrums, patient and clinician positioning that can be utilized to better access certain areas of the mouth and address special dental needs.

In pre-pandemic times, the use of combination therapy, consisting of both hand and power instruments, was considered the norm. Yet, as the concern over aerosol transmitted viruses has drastically come into play, the recommendation for the reduction of the use of power instrumentation, such as the use of ultrasonic scaling and air polishing, must be considered.1,8 Although a combination of manual and ultrasonic therapies is very efficient and recommended when treating moderate to deep periodontal pockets, manual scaling cannot be replaced. When dealing with initial PPD greater than 4 mm (medium to deep pockets), manual instrumentation was shown to be the superior in reducing PPD.2,9

The purpose of this course is to broaden the horizons of the general practice dental hygienist in treating some of the special needs of patients by utilizing advanced manual instrumentation and /or instruments that are not typically in the general practice set up for initial or periodontal recall patient treatment.


Instrument photos, illustrations, tables and instrument descriptions were graciously provided by Hu-Friedy Mfg Co. (except where noted).

The author wishes to thank Ginny Sudyk and Leanna Stuhlmiller at Steinbicker Family Dentistry for helping create the alternative fulcrum photos.

  • Intended Audience:

    Dental Hygienists, Dental Students, Dental Hygiene Students

  • Date Course Online:

    May 1, 2019

  • Last Revision Date:

    Aug 18, 2022

  • Course Expiration Date:

    Aug 17, 2025

  • Cost:


  • Method:


  • AGD Subject Code(s):


  • Technical Requirements:

    Stable internet connection and the latest version of browser and device software are recommended.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the dental professional should be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of instrument design to select the most appropriate instruments in periodontal debridement.
  • Utilize knowledge of tooth morphology, fulcrum placement, instrument design, and patient/clinician positioning to safely and effectively treat periodontal and special dental needs of patients.


  • P&G is providing these resource materials to dental professionals. We do not own this content nor are we responsible for any material herein.
  • Participants must always be aware of the hazards of using limited knowledge in integrating new techniques or procedures into their practice.  Only sound evidence-based dentistry should be used in patient therapy.

Note:  Registration is required to take test.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement

  • The author reports no conflicts of interest associated with this course. She has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Vickie previously served as the Director of the Undergraduate Dental Hygiene program and as an associate professor in the Department of Dental Ecology at the UNC Adam’s School of Dentistry in Chapel Hill for 32 years. On January 1, 201...

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Submission Information

Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Submission For credit transfers to appear in your AGD account in real time, make sure to add your AGD membership number in the field provided on the “Share Your Test Score” page.

CE Broker For all states that use CE Broker for licensure, “proof of completions” are electronically reported the first of every month. If a course was taken in November, the “proof of completion” will be submitted the beginning of December.


AGD Pace Logo

Approved PACE Program Provider


Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.

Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.

8/1/2021 to 7/31/2027

Provider ID# 211886


AADH Approved Program Provider

Procter & Gamble is designated as an approved Provider by the American Academy of Dental Hygiene, Inc. #AADHPGC (January 1, 2024-December 31, 2025). Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial Board of Dentistry. Licensee should maintain this document in the event of an audit.