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Lasers in Dentistry: Minimally Invasive Instruments for the Modern Practice

Course Number: 394


Frenectomies are a very common laser procedure that can be accomplished effectively with any wavelength. Simple ones can often be achieved with topical anesthesia only. Hemostasis is usually excellent, particularly with the more thermal CO2, Nd:YAG, and diodes.

This image depicts frenum contributing to recession between teeth 24 and 25.

Figure 24. Frenectomy.

Frenum contributing to recession between teeth 24 and 25.

This image depicts immediate post-operative view of Er:YAG frenectomy.

Figure 25. Frenectomy.

Immediate post-operative view of Er:YAG frenectomy. Topical anesthesia was used. The frenum is incised and the gingival tissue is obliterated with the laser to help prevent relapse and encourage growth of attached gingiva.

This image depicts six months post-operative view of an Er:YAG frenectomy.

Figure 26. Frenectomy - Six Months Post-op.

Six months post-operative view of an Er:YAG frenectomy. Attached gingiva has grown into superior portion of the surgical site.