Mandated, Highly Recommended, and Other Vaccines for Oral Healthcare Personnel
Course Number: 479
Course Contents
Documenting Immunization Compliance
An immunization record should be established for each OHCP at the time of initial employment.4,6,53 The most reliable way to determine immunity is to obtain documentation of:
physician-diagnosed infection or
laboratory evidence of immunity, or
age-appropriate vaccination.
If there is any doubt as to the immune status of an OHCP, it is best to assume that the person is non-immunized. Following each subsequent immunization encounter, the record should be updated. The information recorded should include the type of vaccine; the dose, route, and site of administration; the name of the person who gave the vaccine; the date the vaccine was given; the manufacturer and lot number; and the date the next dose is due.
A Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care was published by the CDC in 2016. This guide is based on elements of Standard Precautions and represents a summary of basic infection prevention expectations for safe care in oral healthcare setting as recommended in the Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Setting – 2003.48,49 The guide includes an Infection Prevention Checklist for Dental Settings (Appendix A). The Infection Prevention Checklist, Section I: Policies and Practices provides a tool to monitor and document institutional compliance with Dental Health Care Personnel Safety (Section I.3), i.e., compliance with current CDC recommendations for immunizations.