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The Concepts of Four-handed Dentistry Including Ergonomic Instrument Transfer and Exercises for Stress Reduction

Course Number: 643

Classification of Motion

Motions can be classified into five categories according to the length of the motion as shown below:

Class I. Movement of the fingers only. Example: when picking up a cotton roll or pen.

Classification of Motion - Figure 2

Class II. Movement of fingers and wrist. Example: when transferring an instrument to the operator.

Classification of Motion - Figure 3

Class III. Fingers, wrist, and elbow as when reaching for a handpiece.1

Classification of Motion - Figure 1

Class IV. The entire arm and shoulder as when reaching to change the light position.

Classification of Motion - Figure 4

Class V. The entire torso as when turning around to reach for equipment from the fixed cabinetry.1

Classification of Motion - Figure 5