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Perfect Posture Mechanics: Part I - Dentistry and Your Body

Course Number: 667


1. Hayes M, Cockrell D, Smith DR. A systematic review of musculoskeletal disorders among dental professionals. Int J Dent Hyg. 2009;7(3):159-165. doi:10.1111/j.1601-5037.2009.00395.x

2. Hayes MJ, Smith DR, Cockrell D. Prevalence and correlates of musculoskeletal disorders among Australian dental hygiene students. Int J Dent Hyg. 2009;7(3):176-181. doi:10.1111/j.1601-5037.2009.00370.x

3. Yochim AS. Musculoskeletal disorder prevention in dental hygiene. J Calif Dent Hyg Assoc. 2018;36(2):19-23.

4. Humann P, Rowe D. Relationship of musculoskeletal disorder pain to patterns of clinical care in California dental hygienists. J Dent Hyg. 2015;89(5):305-312.

5. McLean L, Tingley M, Scott R, Rickards J. Computer terminal work and the benefit of microbreaks. Appl Ergon. 2001;32:225-237.

6. Musculoskeletal conditions. World Health Organization. February 8, 2021. Accessed July 3, 2021.

7. Åkesson I, Balogh I, Hansson G. Physical workload in neck, shoulders and wrists/hands in dental hygienists during a work-day. Appl Ergon. 2012;43(4):803-811.

8. Ng A, Hayes M, Polster A. Musculoskeletal disorders and working posture among dental and oral health students. Healthcare (Basel). 2016;4(1):13.

9. Musculoskeletal health program. Centers for disease control and prevention. March 21, 2022. Accessed 11/2/2022.

10. Kiersz, A. (2019, March). The 32 Jobs Most Dangerous for Your Health. Business Insider.

11. Hayes MJ, Smith DR, Cockrell D. An international review of musculoskeletal disorders in the dental hygiene profession. Int Dent J. 2010 Oct;60(5):343-52.

12. Morse, T., Bruneau, H., & Dussetschleger, J. (2010). Musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and shoulder in the dental professions. Work (Reading, Mass.), 35(4), 419–429.

13. Hoevenaars JG. Tandarts en arbeidsongeschiktheid: ziek van het werk? [Dentist and disability: a matter of occupational disease?]. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd. 2002 Jun;109(6):207-11. Dutch.

14. Saccucci M, Zumbo G, Mercuri P, Pranno N, Sotero S, Zara F, Vozza I. Musculoskeletal disorders related to dental hygienist profession. Int J Dent Hyg. 2022 Aug;20(3):571-579. doi: 10.1111/idh.12596. Epub 2022 Jun 9.

15. Hansraj, K. K. (2014). Assessment of stresses in the cervical spine caused by posture and position of the head. Surgical Technology International, 25, 277-279. Ergonomics. OSHA. Accessed November 2, 2022.

16. Lanton, Alex (PT, DPT, OCS, CEAS), Personal Interview, August 15th, 2021.

17. Lee MY, Jeon H, Choi JS, Park Y, Ryu JS. Efficacy of Modified Cervical and Shoulder Retraction Exercise in Patients With Loss of Cervical Lordosis and Neck Pain. Ann Rehabil Med. 2020;44(3):210-217. doi:10.5535/arm.19117

18. Talens-Estarelles C, Cerviño A, García-Lázaro S, Fogelton A, Sheppard A, Wolffsohn JS. The effects of breaks on digital eye strain, dry eye and binocular vision: Testing the 20-20-20 rule [published online ahead of print, 2022 Aug 10]. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2022;101744. doi:10.1016/j.clae.2022.101744

19. Valachi B. Practice Dentistry Pain-Free. Posturedontics Press; 2008.

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