Effective Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Administration for Children
Course Number: 92
Course Contents
Choosing the Right Pediatric Patient for Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Administration
Nitrous oxide is not indicated for every patient. Indications for use with the pediatric patient are:
The fearful or anxious, yet cooperative patient. Cooperative pediatric dental patients will exhibit a range of behaviors and emotions. Some patients will run into the treatment room, jump into the chair, open their mouth and practically beg for treatment. Others will step warily into the treatment room, holding back tears while clinging to their parent’s leg. They are full of anxiety but will remain cooperative until they experience even the smallest amount of discomfort. This is an optimal situation for nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia/anxiolysis. If administered before a potentially uncomfortable procedure is attempted, nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia/anxiolysis can prevent a behavior malfunction. However, the dentist should not assume that placing a nitrous oxide face mask on an anxious child will magically eliminate potential problems. As will be discussed in a later section, basic behavior management techniques must be used to introduce the pediatric patient to the nitrous oxide experience.
The patient with a strong gag reflex. A strong gag reflex can interfere with the most basic treatments; clinical examination, radiographic examination, prophylaxis and fluoride treatment, sealants and restorative dentistry. The etiology of a strong gag reflex is attributed to physiologic, psychologic and genetic factors. If distraction techniques like watching the procedure in a mirror, counting numbers, or asking the patient to wiggle their toes doesn’t work, the dentist can try to attempt using nitrous oxide. Although nitrous oxide reduces or eliminates the gag reflex, it has no effect on the cough reflex so the risk of aspiration of foreign objects during treatment is not compromised.
The patient that is fearful of specific procedures. The dentist will encounter patients, both children and adults that are cooperative and accepting of the dental experience, except for specific procedures, such as the “needle or shot” or the drill. The analgesic and anxiolytic properties of nitrous oxide can reduce or eliminate the difficulty in accomplishing these procedures. For those patients that are afraid of local anesthesia, nitrous oxide can raise the patient’s pain threshold to the point that mildly uncomfortable procedures including periodontal scaling, curettage and minor restorative treatment can be accomplished without the use of local anesthesia. For those procedures where the use of local anesthesia cannot be avoided, the analgesic and anxiolytic properties of nitrous oxide can help the patient accept the discomfort and psychologic trauma of the “shot” or “drill.”
Aid in the treatment of patient with special health care needs. Patients suffering from a mentally/physically, disabling or medically compromising condition may benefit from the use of nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia/anxiolysis. Its effectiveness will vary from patient to patient. It may reduce the level of activity in a hyperactive child or extend the treatment time available for a patient with special health care needs. It is worth attempting before progressing to deep sedation or general anesthesia for treatment.
A patient for whom profound local anesthesia cannot be obtained. There are times when local anesthesia can be ineffective. There may be an acute infection present or the patient may have a low pain threshold. Nitrous oxide’s analgesic properties raise the patient’s pain threshold. In addition to pain management during an uncomfortable procedure, administering nitrous oxide prior to injection may allow the dentist to administer a more comfortable injection.
A cooperative child undergoing a lengthy dental procedure. Younger children may not have the ability to sit for extended periods of time. Nitrous oxide can distort one’s perception of time, and also amplifies the effect of imagery and storytelling.