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Biologically Contoured Esthetic Implant Restorations

Course Number: 684

References / Additional Resources

  1. González-Martín O, Lee E, Weisgold A, Veltri M, Su H. Contour management of implant restorations for optimal emergence profiles: Guidelines for immediate and delayed provisional restorations. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2020;40(1):61-70.

  2. Rojas-Vizcaya F. Biological aspects as a rule for single implant placement. The 3A-2B rule: a clinical report. J Prosthodont. 2013;22(7):575-80.

  3. Beretta M, Poli PP, Pieriboni S, Tansella S, Manfredini M, Cicciù M, Maiorana C. Peri-implant soft tissue conditioning by means of customized healing abutment: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Materials. 2019;12(18):3041.

  4. Esquivel J, Meda RG, Blatz MB. The impact of 3d implant position on emergence profile design. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2021;41(1):79-86.

  5. Liu X, Tan Y, Liu J, Tan J. A digital technique for fabricating implant-supported interim restorations in the esthetic zone. J Prosthet Dent. 2018;119(4):540-4.

  6. Chu SJ, Kan JY, Lee EA, Lin GH, Jahangiri L, Nevins M, Wang HL. Restorative emergence profile for single-tooth implants in healthy periodontal patients: Clinical guidelines and decision-making strategies. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019;40(1):19-29.

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  51. Sutariya PV, Mehta SP, Upadhyay HH, Pathan MR, Patel SR, Bhatia YA. The soft tissue esthetic outcome with and without immediate provisionalization in immediate implants: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2022;22(1):2-12.

  52. Ruales-Carrera E, Pauletto P, Apaza-Bedoya K, Volpato CAM, Özcan M, Benfatti CAM. Peri-implant tissue management after immediate implant placement using a customized healing abutment. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2019;31(6):533-41.

  53. Akin R, Chapple AG. Clinical advantages of immediate posterior implants with custom healing abutments: Up to 8-year follow-up of 115 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 ;80(12):1952-65.

  54. Menchini-Fabris GB, Cosola S, Toti P, Hwan Hwang M, Crespi R, Covani U. Immediate implant and customized healing abutment for a periodontally compromised socket: 1-year follow-up retrospective evaluation. J Clin Med. 2023;12(8):2783.

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  56. Vág J, Freedman G, Szabó E, Románszky L, Berkei G. Cervical tooth anatomy considerations for prefabricated anatomic healing abutment design: A mathematical formulation. J Prosthet Dent. 2022;127(6):852-9.

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  58. Almadani TM, Abozaid HM, Elsayed IS, Amer AM. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of peri-implant tissue changes associated with use of standard versus customized healing abutments. Al-Azhar Journal of Dental Science 2023;26:229-39. Accessed June 6, 2024

  59. Bichacho N. Cervical contouring concepts: enhancing the dentogingival complex. Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent. 1996;8(3):241-54; quiz 256. PMID: 9028279.

  60. Bichacho N, Landsberg CJ. A modified surgical/prosthetic approach for an optimal single implant-supported crown. Part II. The cervical contouring concept. Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent. 1994;6(4):35-41; quiz 41. PMID: 8054640.

  61. Zeng H, Zhou M, Ge Y, Yao Y, Cai X. Digital workflow in the design of individualized emergence profiles of implant restorations based on the contralateral tooth. J Prosthodont Res. 2024 Jan 3.

  62. Alshhrani WM, Al Amri MD. Customized CAD-CAM healing abutment for delayed loaded implants. J Prosthet Dent. 2016;116(2):176-9.

  63. El-Danasory MB, Khamis MM, Abdel Hakim AA, Fahmy RA. CAD-CAM custom healing abutments: A dental technique. J Prosthet Dent. 2022 Nov 8:S0022-3913(22)00638-2.

  64. Chee WW, Cho GC, Ha S. Replicating soft tissue contours on working casts for implant restorations. J Prosthodont 1997;6:218-20.

  65. Buskin R, Salinas TJ. Transferring emergence profile created from the provisional to the definitive restoration. Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent. 1998;10:1171-9.

  66. Patras M, Martin W. Simplified custom impression post for implant-supported restorations. J Prosthet Dent. 2016;115(5):556-9.

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