HIV: Infection Control/Exposure Control Issues for Oral Healthcare Personnel
Course Number: 97
Course Contents
Provide Counseling and Follow-up Testing
Exposed persons should be counseled about precautions related to donating blood or tissue, becoming pregnant, breastfeeding, and to practice sexual abstinence or safe sex, especially during the first six to 12 weeks after exposure.19 Those taking PEP should be advised about of the importance of completing the PEP regimen and educated about possible drug toxicities, drug-drug interactions, measures to be taken to minimize side effects, and methods for clinical monitoring of toxicity.19
Those taking PEP who experience nausea, diarrhea, rash, fever, back and abdominal pain, increased thirst, or frequent urination should seek immediate medical attention. In addition, they should be advised about the importance of follow-up testing at six weeks, 12 weeks, and six months; in some cases, extended follow-up may be recommended.19 Exposed persons should also be advised to seek medical evaluation for any acute illness during the follow-up period.